Agile Torino diventa internazionale: a cena con Vasco Duarte

Come saprete Jacopo Romei è attivissimo nella comunità agile a livello internazionale e questa volta ci ha proposto un incontro con Vasco Duarte, professionista ben noto nell’ambito dell’Agile come Scrum Master, Agile Coach, Product Manager, Project Manager, Director… La Community Agile Torino ha risposto positivamente all’invito con un meetup piuttosto informale tenuto la sera del 21 febbraio 2019 a Borgo Dora.

Vasco ci ha regalato una serata ricca di spunti e stimoli interessanti, proponendoci anche delle riflessioni e una challenge (#MyCoreOfAgile) che vogliamo condividere qui nel blog a beneficio di tutti.

Qui sotto le sue parole. ENJOY!!!

#MyCoreOfAgile: Global retrospective, what’s the one thing Agile is about for you?

I had an amazing conversation about the Core of Agile with some members of Torino’s local Agile community. We met at Trattoria Valenza. Which was an excellent location to enjoy tradition and look at what we can learn for the future.
The conversation touched many points, but the one that I want to talk about is “What is the core of Agile?”

What is the Core of Agile for you?

That conversation inspired me to share with you my thoughts and ask you: What is the core of Agile for you? 
I challenge you! Have that conversation in your community. And share your thoughts with the #MyCoreOfAgile hashtag.

There’s no single right answer to the #MyCoreOfAgile question

There is no single right answer to this question. Yet, as we reflect on that question, we will learn about each other’s goals and aspirations. This reflection helps us remember the reasons we joined the Agile community. This is what creates shared experiences and strengthens our community!

My answer to the #MyCoreOfAgile question

I want to leave here a shoutout those that joined this discussion in Torino: Wolfgang, Daniel, Marcello, Paolo, Jacopo. Thank you! 
As I heard the different perspectives, my takeaways are:

  • I joined the Agile community because I saw that Agile was a better way to deliver Software to the market. For me, at the core of Agile is XP, Extreme Programming. Without the technical practices, whatever we do is not Agile (for me! Share your reflection!).
  • The other aspect of Agile that Jacopo mentioned during the dinner was “learning”. Agile (for me) is about increasing the frequency of learning. Learning about all the dimensions of delivering something of value. It could be technology, market, team, stakeholder relationships, etc. The whole system.

So here’s my answer to the Core of Agile. For me, the Agile core is Extreme Programming (technical excellence) and much, much faster learning (in all dimensions).

What is your answer to that question? Share your answers below in the comments or with the hashtag: #MyCoreOfAgile.

Keep retrospecting, Keep improving.

PS: thank you to all the amazing people I met in Torino and made my stay there both relaxing and enriching! You Rock!

Enjoying a glass of Barbera, a great conversation facilitator.


Agile Community Torino

Siamo una community di appassionati del mindset Agile e Lean. Lavoriamo professionalmente in questo contesto come Scrum Master, Product Owner o Coach agile. Alcuni di noi invece sono semplici curiosi che vogliono capire meglio di cosa si tratta e come applicare principi e pratiche sul lavoro e nella vita di tutti i giorni... Siamo una tribù in continua crescita in un territorio (il Piemonte) dove questi valori e principi stanno diventando sempre più diffusi e popolari. Speriamo di contribuire alla loro affermazione!

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